Product Name and General Description:
Hake Fillet – Skin On
Catch Area: South-East Atlantic, FAO 47
EU Approval Number of Factory: 5D
Catching Method: By Long Line Vessels
Nature of Fish: Wild Origin
Reference to applicable conservation/management measures:
Marine Resources Act 2000.
Marine Resources Regulations 2001
European Community Catch Certificate
Production Procedures
To ensure highest quality, every single fish processed is hand filleted.
The headed and gutted Hake is de-iced, de-scaled, graded and hand filleted. The hake fillets are trimmed for blood, bones, fins, black membrane, parasites, roe, guts, loose fish scales and sorted, packed and blast frozen in accordance with good commercial practice to attain a product temperature of -18ºC or below.
The factory is EU audited and certified to prove its conformity with EU-Standards regarding importing regulations and legislature.
Piece Weight: Individual
Product Grading: Individual
Skinning: No, but can be done on request
Pin Bone : Can be supplied as
PBO (Pin Bone Out) or PBI (Pin Bone In)
Method of freezing: Blast Frozen to attain a product temperature of -18 C or below after thermal stabilization.
Glazing: Generally not, but can be done
Method of Packing
The fillets are packed skin-down and lengthwise using blue LDPE for interleaving or individually in blue plastic pouches.
The product is packed in such a way that each layer of fillets is interleaved, the fillets are not touching and can be separated easily in a frozen state.